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    High Altitude Rocket Transport is made up of a group of students and space enthusiasts who would like your help in making our dream of reaching space a reality. HART is planning to launch a rocket and launchpad into the stratosphere (an altitude of 100,000-110,000 ft) using a high altitude balloon, where the rocket will launch past the Karman Line, the edge of space (328,000 ft, or 62 miles).

     If successful, this endeavor will make HART smallest and cheapest rocket to reach space. With  the help of  360° cameras, we will be able to share the experience with anyone using Virtual Reality goggles or other Virtual Reality setup, thus enabling the public to enjoy the thrill of a Mach 3 ride into space.

HART Captains. Adrian Ruiz (left), Sebastian Absleiman (right) 


Aerospace Enginnering

Computer Science


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